Saturday, January 22, 2011

Day 36-37-38-39: Summaries of the first month

18-22 Jan, 2011

The first three days will be the easiest summaries ever. Because nothing happened in particular. Friday and Saturday, however, were quite busy with the Conference at the School for Peace. The whole thing was in Hebrew so I'll be lying if I say that it was amazing, that I learned a lot. Soon, if not today, I might be able to give more details on the content once I put my hands on the transcription. I can tell you this much though, this "Moving from Protest to Continuous Activism: Building Power for Struggles" conference had some intense panels. Intense, as in, passionate. Again, passionate clearly doesn't mean that the panelists said anything enlightening or new. I filmed the panels, photographed the discussion sessions and breaks. Friday program was from 3pm till 10pm. My day at work started 9am in the morning, obviously. Shabat still doesn't apply to my life. It does only when I want to travel.

I am more curious about the first panel on Friday. A lot of names flew around, names like Shalid, Sharon, Arafat, Abbas, Hamas... The main idea was to review the situation pulling important points from history. And I am genuinely interested in hearing many different (or way too similar) opinions about taken-for-granted "facts" for both sides, details of all sizes, personal stories, new approaches to history and political developments...

Friday and Saturday were nothing but the conference. Saturday evening I had a nice training session, my shoulder still hurts but getting stronger, I can feel it. I cleaned the whole courtyard again. Timo's girlfriend Julia came. She trains capoeira in Germany, so perhaps we train together at some point.
A bad news: one of the kittens, the orange one is gone missing. It's been more than a week now. I'm afraid he's not coming back.

That said, a very important benefit I got from this weekend is a tripod. Howard lent me the tripod they have over at the PR office. He said I could use it whenever I want. It's going to be very useful, no doubt, while filming myself training. We'll see about that tonight.

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